ITALY IN A WINEGLASS shortlisted for the Gourmand Awards
Marc Millon’s ITALY IN A WINEGLASS is a finalist in two different categories for the International Gourmand Awards
THE SPELLSHOP a nominee for the Goodreads Choice Awards
Sarah Beth Durst’s THE SPELLSHOP is a nominee for the Goodreads Choice Awards.
Eskor David Johnson at the Miami Book Fair
Eskor David Johnson will be presenting his book, PAY AS YOU GO, at The Miami Book Fair this November.
Mithu Storoni on Cool Science Radio
Mithu Storoni talking about her book, HYPEREFFICIENT, on Cool Science Radio
Mithu Storoni and Hyperefficient featured in Forbes
Italy in a Wineglass in the Wall Street Journal
Mithu Storoni on the cover story of The New Scientist
Neuroscientist Mithu Storoni and her book HYPEREFFICIENT, is the cover story of this week’s THE NEW SCIENTIST
Mithu Storoni in Fast Company and Harvard Business Review
Neuroscientist Mithu Storoni in Harvard Business Review and Fast Company talking about her new book, HYPEREFFICIENT
Elizabeth Staple on Name One Player Podcast
Elizabeth Staple featured on the Name One Player Podcast talking about her book, THE SNAP
Kauai Writers Conference
I will be attending the Kauai Writers Conference this November
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